Legal Advice

So you don’t have to read all the legal information, we make the useful data accessible:

Trade Name: Restaurant Cal Pericas

Corporate Name: Josep Pons Fernandez

Registered Office: Carrer Furrioles Altes, 2 – 08696 La Pobla de Lillet (BCN)

Data processor: Restaurant Cal Pericas

VAT ID: 77739535H

Telephone: 93 823 61 62




We invite you to read the conditions carefully.

In order to maintain transparency, clarity and simplicity criteria, the company informs the user that for any suggestion, doubt or inquiry about the General Conditions of use, you can contact us by email at or through the web form where it will be received and attended to.
The purpose of this agreement is to regulate the relationship between users and the company. Navigation and/or hiring of any of the services implies acceptance of these conditions.
The company may modify the conditions at any time, if it does so, it will announce it through a pop-up notice on the opening of the website. If the user does not agree with any of the terms of the agreement, we ask that you refrain from its use.


On the website, the user can obtain information about the company, information about the sector’s theme, events and activities related to the services we offer, etc. There is also a contact area where the user can send us comments, doubts and information.


The user is responsible for offering verifiable, accurate, authentic and current data.

The company makes available to the user the information regarding the Data Protection Policy in the web section dedicated to it. You can access it through this link:

Privacy Policy


The user acknowledges and accepts that all the content of the website (design, texts, images, logos, etc.), as well as any intellectual creation and the set of identity of the brand are the property of the company and/or third parties and are protected by Intellectual Property rights.

The user agrees not to reproduce, copy, modify and distribute any content without the express authorization of the company, responding to any claim arising from it. The use or exploitation of the contents without the authorization of the company constitutes a breach of the conditions. In this case, the company may proceed to undertake legal actions.

It is also prohibited to suppress or manipulate the copyright and the technical protection devices.


The user is the only one responsible for the data provided being current and truthful. Otherwise, the company reserves the right to restrict access and use.

The user agrees not to:

1.-Carry out illegal or illegal activities, contrary to good faith and public order.

2.-Carry out activities that violate the rights of third parties.

3.-Destroy, alter or render useless the personalized attention systems.

4.-Impersonate the identity of third parties.

5.-Spread discriminatory content (race, gender, ideology…).


The company is not responsible for any damage or loss that may result from the lack of content and availability of the website, as well as from possible viruses or malicious programs that may have been added to the content by third parties.


The company reserves the right to modify the conditions it considers appropriate without prior notice, as well as to delete, change, or add new content.


In the event that the website has links to other pages, the company is not responsible for the content of these third parties, nor for the pages that link to

These links do not imply associations, mergers, and participation in other companies.


The company can pursue the misuse of content and violation of the conditions by exercising any administrative and judicial action.


The relationship between the company and the user will be governed by Spanish law in force and any dispute will be resolved before the courts of Berga and, in default, before the provincial courts.